Oak Park Conservancy District

For after hours emergencies, please call (812) 283-3960 and follow the instructions on the recording.


Providing sanitary sewer and stormwater servics to the Oak Park, Indiana Area since 1960

4230 Portage Place, Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130   (812) 283-3960


 EMERGENCY CALLS- If you have sewage backing up into your home, call the office at 812-283-3960 during regular business hours or for after hour emergencies call our answering service at 812-948-5122. Someone will get back with you as soon as possible. Leave your Name, Phone #, Address and message.

NON-EMERGENT REQUESTS- If you have an issue that is not an emergency, please consider waiting if possible, or at least let us know it is not something that needs to be handled immediately.

Pre-Approval Forms - will be processed via email. Print the form, sign, scan and send to amyb@oakparkcd.us  a completed form will then be sent back to you, print a copy for your records and a copy to take to the City for your permit.

Sewer Repair Permits-There is no fee for sewer repair permits but they are still required. The permit will be prepared, and a pick-up appointment will be scheduled. Specifications can be picked up at that time as well. The following information will be needed at the time of request:

Property Address, Lot #, Subdivision, Name and address of Property Owner, Name and address of Contractor, Phone # for contractor.

New Service Permit- If you need a permit for a new sanitary sewer tap-in, follow the guidelines for Sewer Repair Permits, the same information is needed plus the Tax Identification number. Payment must be received prior to starting work.

Sewer Dept

We have had recent problems with "disposable wipes" being flushed into the sewer system. Please do not flush wipes, clothing, trash, or anything else besides toilet paper and human waste down the toilet as those items do not decompose like toilet paper and can cause blockages in the sewer system!

Overview of Wastewater Operations:

Mr. Keith Ingram, Superintendent of Wastewater Treatment Operations has been with the OPCD since January 2007. Mr. Ingram has held the positions of Chief of Maintenance and Foreman of Operations. Mr. Ingram is the certified operator for the OPCD Wastewater Treatment Facility and holds a Class III Wastewater Certification issued by the State of Indiana. Prior to working at OPCD, Mr. Ingram worked several jobs including service in the United States Navy.
The sanitary sewer system within the OPCD services approximately 3,300 properties in the area recently annexed by the City of Jeffersonville, IN. The sewage moves from your home through the collector system and pump stations to the wastewater treatment plant and is then processed into clean water. The clean water is then released back into the Ohio River for reuse. Strict guidelines, enforced by EPA and IDEM, are followed to prevent water quality degradation.
OPCD has a history of excellence with regards to the Wastewater Treatment Facility. In 1999, OPCD was awarded the Federal Environmental Protection Agency Excellence Award, Small Secondary Plant, for Operation and Maintenance, as best in the nation for its size. OPCD continues to meet and exceed all State and Federal requirements at our facility.
OPCD also provides 24 hour service for our customers. For after hour emergencies, call the office at (812) 283-3960; a recording will provide you with the emergency answering service. Our on-call employee will then contact you for further information.

View Awards to your Wastewater Department

Sanitary Sewer Repair Permits:

If you are planning on making repairs to your sanitary sewer lines, you will first need to call our office to get a Repair Permit. The permit will be prepared and will need to be picked up prior to beginning work. The person or company performing the work will need to request an inspection 24 hours in advance unless there is an emergency that requires immediate attention. A staff member will be on-site within 30 minutes of the time you call to inform the office that the job is ready for inspection.   Click here for a copy of the OPCD Specifications

Click here for the Interlocal Agreement for OPCD and Jeffersonville


The Oak Park Service Fees are a Fee that is billed directly on your property tax bill. The flat fee is the amount every sewer user is charged for sewer services. Commercial and Tax Exempt properties are billed from our office and are calculated according to Indiana Administrative Code using an Equivalent Dwelling Unit formula.  In the past, sewer service fees were assessed based on your building's assessed tax value.  The OPCD Board of Directors changed from using an assessed value to a flat fee in order to have a more equitable system.  Currently, the flat fee is $450.00 per year.  If you would like to view the old tax rate system, you may click the link below.

Click here for the OPCD Tax Rate Table

Ohio River Levels: (Upper Gauge) | (Lower Gauge)


OPCD Projects

Stormwater projects to improve your life.

Click for our recent improvements

Partners with Riverside School

Education and outreach on the environment.

Click for fun with THE RECYCLE GUYS

Click for OPCD activities at Riverside School

Click for information about Raingardens


Operational Personnel

KEITH INGRAM, Superintendent of Wastewater Treatment and Operations, and Interim MS4 Stormwater Coordinator

Nathan Swinney, Assistant Superintendent

Tyler Burdin, Operations Technician

Logan Wortham, Operations Technician

Blake Brunson, Operations Technician

Jason Rockey, Operations Technician

April Guinn, Lab Technician & Office Assistant

Stormwater Department Staff

Keith Ingram, Interim Stormwater Coordinator

Amy Burton, Administrative Assistant & Office Clerk / Secretary & Financial Clerk for the Board of Directors




Board of Directors Meetings:

All OPCD Board meetings start at 5:30 p.m. and are open to the public. If you would like to be placed on the agenda to speak to the Board, please contact our office at least forty-eight (48) hours (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays) in advance and provide your name and the topic you would like to discuss. For 2025, the regularly scheduled Board meeting dates are as follows:

                                         January 15 & 29        July 16 & 30          

                                         February 12 & 26      August 13 & 27

                                         March 12 & 26           September 10 & 24

                                         April 9 & 23               October 8 & 22

                                         May 7 & 21                November 5 & 19

                                         June 4 & 18               December 3 & 17



Board of Directors

Chairman, Bruce Herdt (Area 2)

Vice Chairman, Marshall Johnson (Area 3)

Director, Charlie Milburn (Area 1)


Click here for copies of our Minutes


In the late 1950’s, property owners of the original Oak Park Subdivision, near Jeffersonville, Indiana, came together to discuss the local need of specific utility services. At that time, most homeowners had septic tanks and hazards with ground and water contamination needed to be addressed.  On July 15, 1960, the Clark County Circuit Court, in accordance with Indiana Code 14-33, appointed the first Board of Directors to form the Oak Park Conservancy District (OPCD) with the purpose of providing sanitary sewer and limited stormwater drainage services. A purpose of water distribution was added in the late 1960's. The “District” was governed by this three member Board of Directors and managed by only a couple of employees.


The OPCD currently provides sanitary sewer services for approximately 3,300 properties. OPCD and The City of Jeffersonville currently share drainage responsibilities. Jeffersonville handles road right of way drainage and the Lancassange Creek basin. OPCD manages drainage easements which are outside of the road right of way. There are three water companies (Indiana American,  Watson, and Sellersburg) providing water service within the OPCD boundaries. Over the years, the workforce of OPCD has increased to as many as 10 employees due to the enlarged size of the District and the increasing requirements of state and federal regulations. Currently, there are a total of 8 employees.

Award Winning Services
Early in 2011, the Stormwater Department earned an Outstanding Program Recognition for their Phase ll efforts from the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM). In October 2011, OPCD was honored with receiving the only AISWMD Municipal Award for Environmental Stewardship. Our entire Staff is committed to giving the highest quality of service to our customers.

What is a Conservancy District?
A Conservancy District is a special taxing district, operating under the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, which has the authority to plan, develop, and operate water related services. Out of the nine possible water utility purposes, OPCD currently serves the two original purposes mentioned in the History section of this page. In 2011, the water distribution system was sold to Watson Water.

Illegal Dumping

If you see people illegally dumping pollutants and trash into the sanitary sewer or storm sewer system, please call our office at (812) 283-3960 and let us know.

Government Oversight                                               
OPCD is also governed by EPA, IDEM, and State Board of Accounts. The Oak Park Conservancy District receives funding through a flat fee paid directly to the Clark County Auditor's office with the property tax. Commercial properties are assessed fees based on an Equivalent Dwelling Schedule as prescribed in Indiana Administrative Code.

Map to Plant



Copyright Oak Park Conservancy District

Webmaster Bruce Herdt